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About Me

As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Sports Nutritionist, I have performed over 28,000 therapy hours, and am also certified by the Colorado Courts as expert testimony in medical cases.
As a medical massage therapist, I am a results based therapist.  If you have a medical condition, whether diagnosed or suspected, I have dedicated my career to understand and treat those conditions.  I treat conditions from Neuropathy to Sciatica and Lumbar compression to Cervical Injuries, I understand soft tissue damage and how it affects the nervous system and skeletal structure.

Having been involved in two automobile accidents that led to cervical injuries, I have had to rely on my training to overcome the crippling effects of my injuries and I know the long hard path to recovery.  

If you are looking for a fresh opinion of your acute injury or chronic pain, I am here to help.

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